A billboard with some social media logos, and a long piece of paper to the left reading 'COOLER LINKS', with an arrow pointing downward. An exit sign, just like the others, but this time with the arrow pointing down. Also it's taller. As such it's able to reach leaves higher up in bushes. A grey circle with a white A in the centre and a wihte outline. The logo for the Backloggery An orange cloud shape with stripes missing in its left half. The logo for Soundcloud. A white alien face with two round ears and an antenna. The logo for Reddit. A graffit-like red circle with a stripe going from the bottom-left to the top-right, with underneath a dark-blue bird-like shape pointing to the right. The word YOU in bold black text above a red bar that says tube in white letters. The logo for Youtube A simplistic dark-blue letter t. The logo for Tumblr A tan piece of paper nailed to the board with a big arrow outline pointing down, and above it the text: Cooler Links

HOLD IT! Before you click on any of these links and continue your internauting, remember that having some music whilst exploring those wild webs is pretty nice. Also, get some water, stay hydrated. Just wanted to mention that before you go.